Wider Horizons Events and Information

1.       Tomorrow, Tuesday, November 14, 10:30, post carding at Oxbow Bakery (2307 24th Ave E). All are welcome. Please be fragrance free. See you there!

2.       The Tuesday evening all-member and friends Zoom is tomorrow, November 14, at 7 pm. The breakout questions and Zoom link are attached.

3.       Drink coffee with other Wider Horizons women on Wednesday, November 15, 10:30 am, at the home of Barbara Schwartz934 21st Ave E (just half a block north of Aloha).

4.       Thursday morning’s all-member and friends Zoom is this Thursday, November 16, at 9:30 am. The link and small group questions will be sent out on Wednesday.

5.       Debbie Ward’s sing-along, Saturday, November 18, 3 pm, has room for more folks. Let me know if you want to come. Potluck beverages and heavy hors d’oeuvres. Our COVID caution: don’t come if you have symptoms like fever, sore throat, cough…and, if you may have been exposed, do a rapid test on Friday and on Saturday.

6.       The Democracy Action Group (DAG) meets next Sunday, November 19 at 4 pm. We will be discussing the recent elections and what we can be doing to support democracy during the upcoming year. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5603509672?pwd=OWdaQkg0RjhaLzF1eTN3WHZUZndVdz09

7.       Fiber Art Enthusiasts…hook into our Friday, Nov 17, 10:30-noon virtual gathering as we share projects, scoop up tips and craft together around our Zoom table. All levels welcome; warm conversation guaranteed. Pop in with a warm beverage and check us out. For information: Joan Bergman, jmbergman43@comcast.net  Here is the Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/2cv7dubv

8.       Let Rick Grossman know if you might be going to Costco this week. He’d like to go with you to pick up his new glasses. He lives near Broadway and Pike. rickgrossman@live.com

Members and Friends Share Information

1.       Denise Lishner shared an invitation to a noon Zoom event tomorrow on selecting a personal representative. See attached detail. Scroll down for the text.

2.       Two excellent New York Times articles about caregiving: the first is The Quiet Rage of Caregivershttps://tinyurl.com/2x23xk3j; the second, https://tinyurl.com/24tcpwh2 is about mentoring programs that bring together those just starting to care for family members with dementia and those who have been coping for some time.

3.       Margaret Fisher shared a great piece on what to do right after an expected death for which you are present. See the attachment.

4.       New Yorker article on “staying young as you age” struck me as very interesting (see attached).

5.    Deirdre Cochran says: I highly recommend the movie “Nyad” on Netflix. True story, great acting, and an inspiration to all people to pursue our dreams–in spite of seemingly insurmountable challenges including age.

Wow! A packed week!!

P.S. I could use more holiday event hosts….