Wider Horizons Events and Information

  1. Book Group is tomorrow, Tuesday, at 10:30 am on Zoom. Here is the link: https://tinyurl.com/2p9kbwbe  I’m not sure what book is being discussed but you can check with Nancy Robb or Sandra Wheeler.
  2. The Thursday morning all-member Zoom is this Thursday, August 10, in its usual time slot of 9:30 am. The link and small group questions will be sent out on Wednesday.
  3. The Investment Group, led by Richard Zerbe, meets on Thursday, August 10 at 11 am. Here is the Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/y5dckfv7
  4. Movie Group, led by Denise Lishner, will discuss the film Oppenheimer next Sunday at 3 pm. Here is the Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/ye22buf4
  5. Welcome new member, Joan Tupper (left). She lives in Wallingford and says, I am an enthusiastic Italian language learner, and an avid pursuer of things outdoors in appreciation of our natural world. I’ve recently taken up the baritone ukulele, which I find as engaging as it is challenging. I’m starting to reunite with the social dancing world now that Covid presents less of a threat. My dog makes sure I get in lots of walking in Seattle’s beautiful parks. I enjoy volunteer work (reading to children) and being a student in various academic pursuits both locally and abroad. joantupper@yahoo.com

Members and Friends Share Information

  1. Julie Anderson recommends Frank Bruni’s memoir The Beauty of Dusk: On Vision Lost and Found: https://www.amazon.com/Beauty-Dusk-Vision-Lost-Found/dp/1982108576
  2. Enjoy a video with fun and edifying facts about outer space, shared by Jannie Spain: https://youtu.be/1xQx5d0RI3M
  3. And this interesting article, courtesy of Wendy Carlton…Accessibility should not be a grudging afterthought. With planning, it can lead to elegant, beautiful, and engaging art.: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/disability-design-art/
  4. And one more…a heartwarming piece: https://tinyurl.com/z93r8pw3

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