Wider Horizons Events and Information

  1. Our Board of Directors is retreating all day today. Never fear, though. Often, the best way forward is to retreat for a thoughtful day! The Board annually discusses current strategic issues pertinent to Wider Horizons and comes up with new thoughts, plans, and goals. Look for a summary in a week or two. Today’s lineup features a discussion of leadership, as well as at least two topics that are on our minds: 1) our role in the larger community, and 2) social isolation. Facilitator Hilary Bernstein will lead us to new heights. If you need to reach me with something important, just text me at 206 650-3586.
  2. Book Group, Tuesday, April 9, 10:30 am [Nancy Robb, leader]. The book to be discussed this time is A World on the Wing by Scott Weidensaul and here is the Zoom address: https://tinyurl.com/2p9kbwbe [Editor’s note: The book for April is Barbara Kingsolver’s “Demon Copperhead”.]
  3. Postcarding, Tuesday, April 9, 10:30 am, Oxbow Bakery, 2307 24th Ave East. Bring a buddy and BYOS (bring your own self), all materials provided. Fragrance free please. See you there then! 
  4. Thursday morning’s All-Member Zoom is happening, per usual, this Thursday, April 11, at 9:30 am. Sue Lerner will send out the link and questions on Wednesday.
  5. The Georgetown Steam Plant Tour is this Saturday, April 13 at 10:30 am. If you want to go, need a ride, and haven’t yet told me or tour leader Robby Barnes, let us know. Otherwise, just meet the group there.
  6. Arboretum Walk led by Dick Zerbe every Sunday at 9 am. Meet at the Graham Visitors Center in the Arboretum.
  7. Here are dates to save for upcoming May Zoom Forums: On Tuesday, May 7, at 7 pm friend Steve Tanimoto will demo how an AI chatbot works. And on Sunday, May 19, at 3 pm, we’ll hear from several Boeing experts about what went wrong and why. Flyers for these two Forums will go out soon. Let me know if you want to reserve a place.
  8. And let Jean Chen know if you’d like to accompany her to a potluck and crafts session at the Kin On Community Center: samchen1911@gmail.com These are held monthly, apparently on the first Wednesday of each month, though you’d need to check with Jean to know for sure.

Members and Friends Share

  1. More garden event info from Naomi Shiff: The Hardy Plant Society of Washington’s spring plant sale is Sunday, April 21, 10 am – 2 pm at The Center for Urban Horticulture. More info on the attached flyer.
  2. Two pieces on exercise shared by Ann Lawrencehttps://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/02/well/mind/exercise-mental-health-cognition.html?smid=em-share and Eric Johnson https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/apr/07/the-muscle-miracle-can-i-build-enough-in-my-60s-to-make-it-to-100-even-though-ive-never-weight-trained The universe is telling you something, people!
  3. And if you’d rather do music than movement, Carla McLeanhas shared this interesting piece about playing an instrument and cognition: The Relationship Between Playing Musical Instruments and Cognitive Trajectories: Analysis From a UK Ageing Cohort
  4. On a lighter note, the attached video from Sue Lerneris hysterically funny.
  5. It turns out columnist David Brooks is as technology-challenged as the rest of us: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/04/opinion/technology-devices-phones.html?unlocked_article_code=1.iU0.XREk.lxoIhLZGBzzU&smid=url-shareWho knew?