Wider Horizons Events and Information

Welcome new members Marty

and Robin

Oppenheimer. They live in the Seward Park neighborhood and their bios are attached. Credit for recruiting them goes to Connie Glinsmann. I’ll soon send out an updated Member Directory with their contact information. Meanwhile, you can reach them at these email addresses:

 marty@oppcam.com and robin@oppcam.com

  1. Postcarding to Swing States: join Audrey Hansen and others at 10:30 am, Tuesday, January 23at the Oxbow Bakery, 2307 24th Ave E.  Parking on side streets east and west of 24th. See you there then; grab a cuppa coffee, too. Please come fragrance free. Supplies provided.
  2. Thursday morning’s All-Member Zoomis happening, per usual, this Thursday, January 25, at 9:30 am. Sue Lerner will send out the link and questions on Wednesday.
  3. Audrey HansenI’m thinking of redoing a small portion of my backyard with gravel walkway(s) and plantings (eliminate grass).  Please send me names of good (and reasonable) designers you know. Thanks muchwaterandmountains@msn.com


Members and Friends Share Information

  1. A very amusing video clip, The Winning Kiss, shared by Bob Anderson, is attached.
  2. See Cornish Classes that sound very fun (shared by Audrey Hansen), attached.
  3. And from Rick Grossman, a piece about how talking robots assuage loneliness: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/talking-robot-helps-seniors-fight-loneliness/7409230.html
  4. From Tom Heller, another beautiful essay by same rabbi from LA whose sermon right after Oct 7th was particularly moving to many of us:https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/19/opinion/religion-ancient-text-judaism.html
  5. From Ann Lawrence: From The New York Times: The 7 Keys to Longevity. Ignore the hyperbaric chambers and infrared light: These are the evidence-backed secrets to aging well. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/well/live/live-longer-health.html?smid=em-share

The Winning Kiss.mp4