Wider Horizons Events and Information

1.       Welcome new member Johnny BancroftI grew up in New York city to a very progressive family who sent me to a wonderful progressive school. I majored in history in college and graduate school, and taught history for three years at Quinnipiac College in New Haven, before moving to Boston to be a preschool teacher and Director. I moved to Seattle/Columbia City 45 years ago, was the King/Pierce Head Start Executive Director for 21 years, and now am blessed to have all three of my children in Seattle, allowing me to care for two of my five grandchildren for the past nine years. See the new member Directory with Johnny’s contact information (attached). Note that Barbara Cemeno has decided not to renew her membership for the time being.

2       Men’s Coffee meets as usual at 10 am on the 3rd Tuesday, January 16, at Victrola Coffee, 411 15th Ave E. Unless you park several blocks away, you’ll pay by phone to park.

3.       Postcarding to Swing States: join Audrey Hansen and others at 10:30 am, Tuesday, January 16 at the Oxbow Bakery, 2307 24th Ave E. Please come fragrance free and ready to protect our future. Supplies provided (not your coffee!). Parking on side streets. See you there then.

4.       Women’s Coffee meets at 10:30 am, Wednesday, January 17, at Ann Lawrence’s Mt. Baker home, 3138 34th Ave S. There will be coffee, tea, and chai, plus goodies.

5.       Thursday morning’s All-Member Zoom is happening, per usual, this Thursday, January 18, at 9:30 am. Sue Lerner will send out the link and questions on Wednesday.

6.       Storytelling is this Thursday, January 18, at 4 pm on Zoom http://tinyurl.com/5dfycwv6 We’ll have some new storytellers who will share out-of-the-ordinary life events, even some that may seem “weird.” Debbie Ward will facilitate. Storytellers: Deirdre CochranSo You Don’t Believe in Ghosts….Bill LippeA Frightening Experience in Nepal; A J LoweCall Mike; and Carla McLean, Search for Sybil.

7.       Fiber Art Enthusiasts…click into our Friday, January 19, 10:30-noon virtual Zoom gathering http://tinyurl.com/3z5nbw9das  We share projects, scoop up tips and craft together around our warm & cozy ZOOM table. All levels welcome. How ‘bout popping in and checking us out? For information, contact Joan Bergman, jmbergman43@comcast.net

8.       There are still some spots available for Hilary Bernstein’s seminar (Sunday, January 21, 3-5 pm): Addressing Antisemitism: Unraveling Its Complexities at the Lippes’ home. RSVP to me required. Limited to 35 people. 

9.       I’m moving back to the Gatsby (1145 10th Ave E) beginning January 20 (professional movers coming on February 24 or 25). If you want to help move boxes on the weekend of January 27-28, let me know. After that, I’ll be mostly in hiding, while working, for a couple of weeks, following a January 30 cosmetic eye procedure. Visitors at Margaret’s who don’t mind seeing me with two black eyes are welcome after February 2.

Members and Friends Share Information

The Memo is long enough for this week, and we don’t have time sensitive information to share, so stay tuned.