Vision, Values, Mission


Elders are fully treasured as an integral and contributing part of our vibrant, caring community where all of us are comfortable, connected, useful, and respected.


Our mission is to enable older residents of Central Seattle to participate in an intergenerational community that shares knowledge, experience, and services with each other so living is easier and more joyful.

We do this by providing, vetting, and recommending resources so adults can remain in their homes for as long as they choose.  We offer members a harmonious blend of health and in-home services, shared social and cultural activities, and community engagement_all designed to foster belonging, security, and contribution.


  • High-Quality Member Services

  • Open-Hearted Giving and Receiving

  • Economic, Racial, and Social Justice

  • Inclusion

  • Diversity

  • Aging in Place

  • Interdependence

  • Intergenerational Relationships and Participation

  • Community Engagement

  • Support of Arts, Culture


By sharing our knowledge, experience, and talents, Wider Horizons is cultivating a caring community where social connections, stimulating activities, and mutual support enable us to feel a sense of security and belonging and live more fully─the hallmarks of aging well.


Goal 1. For ourselves as members: Support our members to age successfully and safely with as much independence, choice, and sense of well-being as possible.

Goal 2. For our organization: Nurture a responsive and dynamic organization that will be sustained over time.

Goal 3. For our community:Weave a sense of kinship and cooperation into our relationships within our surrounding neighborhoods in a way that reflects our values.