Who We Are
Members gather for an Annual Meeting
Wider Horizons is a community of people who enjoy the benefits of interdependence, realizing the independence of staying in our own homes as long as possible.
Our members enjoy a harmonious blend of health and in-home services, shared social and cultural activities, and community engagement. Activities are designed to foster belonging, security, and contribution.
Our members meet for education, fitness, culture, and fun. We get together over food, music, and challenging discussion topics.
Not all life’s challenges are big. Little things often cause us to question our ability to continue living independently. Do you need help with small repairs, errands, or getting to doctor appointments? A Wider Horizons member could help. We are a member-driven, volunteer organization.
Have you retired or moved to Seattle recently? Are you baffled at how to meet someone in addition to family or other than dog-walkers or grocery clerks? Are you hungry for meaningful conversations? One or more Wider Horizons members would love to invite you to a dinner or other social event. The scale can be small and intimate, or a larger group learning something new.
We also provide services, especially by phone and email, to non-members throughout King County. Our members, regardless of where they live pay the same dues…$600 for one person and $900 for a household…unless they seek a dues subsidy. All members are entitled to attend any and all Village activities and may vote to elect Board members. Services provided by volunteers are available and arranged whenever possible. Members receive assistance by phone and email from our Executive Director. In addition to over 100 members we have about 150 prospective members who have expressed an interest but are not ready to join. We invite them to most of our events and treat those who are very interested as though they are already members.
Thank You to our Sponsors!
We enjoy the fruits of our labors when cooking together.
Most of us live in zip codes 98101, 98102, 98104, 98112, or 98144.
Most of us live in Seattle (from South Seattle to Montlake) but we are open to anyone who wants to consider joining. We live in houseboats, condos, apartments, and our own single or multi-family houses, large or small. Some members also live in retirement residences. Shared community and shared kindness have multiple addresses.
Deirdre’s Houseboat by Kate Barber