Wider Horizons

Monday Morning Memo – 3.13.2023

Wider Horizons Events and Information

  1. I’m sorry to have to cancel this Thursday’s storytelling session, which was the last of the season. We just didn’t get enough stories. We’ll step up the outreach for the 2023-2024 season. Please let me know if you’re willing to be a proactive moderator (help to get storytellers and help them shape their stories). Thanks!
  2. The Thursday morning all-member Zoom will meet on Thursday, March 16 in its usual time slot of 9:30 am. Look for the small group questions and a Zoom link from Sue Lerner on Wednesday.
  3. “Keep Calm and Carry Yarn”– Fiber Arts Interest Group – Friday, March 17, 10:00-12:00 at Fred Lind Manor Assisted Living Residence on Capitol Hill. Bring your current personal project and/or your ongoing project for the “Warm For Winter” program. All levels welcome. Tips, assistance, water, and coffee available. Masks required, but warm companionship guaranteed. OR how about joining us virtually?  Call Susan Bolte at 206-459-2144 for the Zoom link.
  4. Our Homelessness Forum is this Sunday at 4 pm. Please join Mark Stensager and Audrey Hansen (moderators) and our expert panelists for an exciting panel/discussion. A descriptive flyer (with the Zoom link) is attached.
  5. Welcome new member Paul Bestock whom some of you already know, mostly through Victoria Bestock (his wife). Here are some generous offers from Paul who is a skilled professional photographer: I am interested in volunteering my photography energy. I would like to create and share images of individuals, couples, families, pets, gardens, art works. And I would like to meet with others interested in furthering our skills and energy in creating images. You can reach Paul via email or phone: thebestocks@gmail.com or 206 325-9080.
  6. Attached is the Board packet for today’s Wider Horizons Board meeting. Questions? Call me.
  7. Sad news for us from Noel Hanzel, our marvelous tech volunteer: I am writing to let you know that I have decided to spend less time on technology. The time has come for me to switch things up and leave my volunteer position with Wider Horizons. I’d be more than happy to stay on until you find a replacement. I’ll be interviewing replacements over the next few weeks and we’re planning a party for Noel in June at the Dills to say good-bye.

Members and Friends Share Information

  1. I’ve spoken with expert artist and art teacher Diane Crago who is interested in building community through art classes. I’m impressed with her approach and with her art. Diane is interested in giving a class just for our members. Take a look at the attachment, and let me know if you’re interested.
  2. From Ann Lawrence: This is a particularly interesting article in light of many Wider Horizon types who are ‘do-it-youselfers’ just like me! Learning to ask for help, accept help, offer help. It all takes practice since it’s not part of our personal or national identity: https://tinyurl.com/mc9evha9 
  3. And another interesting NYT article on anxiety and older people: https://tinyurl.com/4pdvtfs7
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