Wider Horizons

Monday Morning Memo – 11.7.2022

Dear Wider Horizons Members and Friends,

Wider Horizons Events and Information

  1. Women will again drink coffee at Victrola (on 15th Ave E) this Wednesday, November 9, at 10:30 am. Join Ann Lawrence and Pat Siggs and others for a rousing good time.
  2. There are a few places left for the scarf-sharing event at Eleanor Dills home on Tuesday, November 15, at 2 pm.
  3. Our Thursday morning all-member Zoom will meet this week in its usual time slot of 9:30 am. Look for the small group questions and a Zoom link from Sue Lerner on Wednesday.
  4. Somesuch Readers will read a play by Phil Gerson on December 21 at 1 pm at the Russian Community Center. We need a few more readers. Contact Denise Klein if you’re interested.
  5. We’re still recruiting hosts and hostesses for holiday events between Thankgiving and the new year. Give me a call if you have an idea. Then we’ll collect all the opportunities and send them out to members.

Members and Friends Share Information

From Patti Gorman, “We, along with the Hellers, attended The Amen Corner at Langston Hughes last night and think it is worth sharing. The play runs for about 2 more weeks (through November 20) and is being put on by The Williams Project, a forward-thinking ensemble theatre. In his “Notes for The Amen Corner,” James Baldwin wrote, I knew that out of the ritual of the church, historically speaking, comes the act of the theatre, the communion which is the theatre. And I knew that what I wanted to do in the theatre was to recreate moments I remembered as a boy preacher, to involve the people, even against their will, to shake them up, and, hopefully, to change them. For tickets, go to www.thewilliamsproject.org

2. Susan Adler invites us to this lovely virtual Ikebana exhibit that runs through November 12. Her offering is #41. 2022 Autumn Exhibition | home (seattlesogetsu.wixsite.com)

3. Kathleen O’Connor sends us something sweet to start our week: https://neurosciencenews.com/birds-mental-health-21749/

4. Our friends at Aegis Living invite you to Strategies for Brain Health, Diet, Lifestyle, and Supplements, Tuesday, November 15th, 2:00-3:00 pm, at Aegis Living Lake Union, 1936 Eastlake Avenue East. See the attached flyer.

5. Tips on making friends as an adult in this NY Times article: https://tinyurl.com/3zftf5v3

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